Monday 12 September 2011

Bloody Mary's Gone Bad 

"Bloody Mary Is not Even a game, religious," I told my friend.
Blue whiting Yareli made a face. "Is so! You chant it, And then something happens. Not always, okay, I'll admit That, but sometimes. It's pretty paraben Creepy around campfires before."
I rolled my eyes. "Anything is Creepy around campfires. Fine - That I'm bored."
Yareli led the way to the bathroom, and we turned off the light After closing the door. In the pitch blackness, we Chantel together, "Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary ..."Five times we have said it, but nothing happened.
After a long pause, I fumbled my way into a standing position. "I'm getting out of here."
Wouldn't open the door. I frowned as I tugged on the knob. "Is it because your stupid brother again?"
"Probably." Yareli got up and tried to assist me, but our combined strength was not enough. "Weird ..."
"Oh my god. The Mirror." I Could not turn away. Yareli Slowly turned on its head, just as a cold breeze through the room like a small whippet.
In the mirror was the twisted figure of a woman. She was bent over, her hair matted with the Same substance Dripping That was down on his face: blood.
Screaming, I Launched my whole body at the door, but it still wouldn't Budge.Yareli made a dash for the shower rod, jerking it out of the ITS Sockets and slamming it into the door.
It Tries to yield five to push the door open. All the while, the woman hovered, Whispering words that we Could not she understand it as we did for us.
We made it out of the bathroom in time to run into Yareli's mother, the WHO did not believe us when we told her why I was in the shower rod and out the door behind them a huge dent.
But Streak When she saw the blood running down to the sink, she changed her to me.

The Devil's Graveyard

It tups years, but, it finally happened, Steve and I finally visited the Scare a bad enough to keep us Awake Most of the night.
Both since we visited the day off from the work, we go out and DECIDED to Investigate a place known as the Devil's Graveyard. We have Known about it for years, but it sounded a little too nasty and far-fetched to be true, that we never checked it out Until now.
The story of this piece of land around it is that we was once a place WHERE Black masses and Black Magic live and many sacrifices behind Taken Place. On a whim, we drove up to this place about 7:30 PM and parked in the middle of the "church." It was a perfect night for ghost hunting, the temperature was just right and there was not a breath of wind. While we waited for darkness, we were facing the center of the pickup and Leaning against the doors, talking a little, When suddenly we heard a knock on the driver's window. Steve turned to look and there was no one there. While we were looking at the driver's communication, we heard a knock on the passenger's window. Looked again, we are, and, again, there was no one there. We started to talk about how we Knew this one would be good, as it HAS Already started.
After the sun went down, we are out of the steppe and the pickups moved to the front and waited. As we have a very close and loving Marriage, we have been quite accustomed to Become Each Other's caressing and strokes, I did not say to think that there was anything unusual about my hair gently stroke Being. That was Until I sighed and went to Move Closer to Steve, only to find That he was still on the Other Side of the truck! In my Confusion, I asked, "Honey, Was That you?"
"Was what we do?" he replied back.
I said, "Someone was stroking my hair and I HOPED it was you!"
He told me that he HAD thought That it was me who HAD BEEN That caressing her shoulders at the same time. Needless to say, I IMMEDIATLY Attached myself to Steve's link. We thought we could hear our names Being whispered in the trees and we have continually tried to convince ourselves That it was the wind. (If only there HAD BEEN some wind.) We have DECIDED to take a few Steps away from our pickup truck and toward the trees abruptly Stopped When Steve and I said, "What?" in Less Than a relaxed continent. Steve told me that while he loves HAVING we are close, if I got a right Any Closer Then, we could wear the skin Same.
I told him, 'I'm sorry, honey, but you're not going to get me away from this spot, for any reason! "
He said, 'That's okay, but I could at least you're loosens the grip on my arm a little? "
"Well." I replied.
"Okay, I'm good with that." he told me. Continued and we could we have this movement in the distance and heard some sounds sinister Laughing young at heart as I could best be described the chanting. Kept feeling I see someone flip on their hand through my hair constantly and Steve said he felt someone tapping him on the shoulder. We turned around to look and there was nothing behind us.My heart felt like it was when we were in overdrive Both felt something grab our legs. I Almost felt like I would pass out!
I asked Steve, "Are we convinced yet?" and he said, "Yeah, I think so!" I asked, "Can we please leave now?" Steve and we agreed that we turned around and started back for the truck. As we walked back to the truck, there was the Sensation of someone right behind us screaming, "GO!" Just about the time we we did the truck, the flash light died. We got in and LOCKED the doors as fast as we could the truck and started. We Both spouted a number of expletives When Steve turned on the lights good, but Did not they otherwise have come to like. I started Praying, "Come on, oh please let the lights come on!" Steve turned off Them And then they otherwise have again and finally DID come on. As we drove away, it Looked in the rearview mirror as if the fire is the area were expelled. We Stopped and turned to look, and nothing but darkness. As we drove down the dirt road out, I Kept Praying, "Please do not let this truck break down." Once we got back on the main road, we could not get out of there fast enough!
As we drove home, Steve said that he thought he was very close to Charge having a bladder burst and I said, "I'm delighted to know that I'm not the only one!"When we got home, we were still up to say that we are bugged and Wound EVEN Could not sleep. Every little sound, every little creak, Or Any time the dog should move, we would Both sit up in bed and ask, "What was that?" Attached to Steve again, I was the last time and I remember looking at the clock, it was 3:21 AM. We talked about it when we finally woke up and we agreed the two things: One, this is the FIRST time EVER HAS BEEN Either of us say we were spooked about unable to sleep That Most of the night, and two, thought it was a terrifying experience , this will NOT keep us from ghost hunting.
Steve, of course, HAD to check the head light switch in the truck, just out of curiosity, and found That it was fine and no problems behind them. We've behind a lot of Supernatural Experiences, but this one was definitely at the top of the list.

The Story I Can't Tell

The Story I Can't Tell

A Personal Experience By Victoria
I was 11 years old when we moved to Ruckersville, Virginia, just me, my mom, and younger sister and brothers. We were looking for a home. When my mom finally found one, all we could think was, “Oh my God, we finally have a house.”

The house made us feel like we belonged there, like it was meant just for us as a family. And the house was right next to our landlord, who we didn't like; all she seemed to care about was cursing us and taking all our money. But she was a very strange old lady, and her husband was also strange.

After a couple of months of living there, my mom, my brother Matt and I were kind of scared of the house. My mom had heard someone try to break in, and when she looked there was no one there even though the doorknob was still moving. My brother had come running from the basement one day to tell us he’d heard noises of metal hitting together, and when he looked up, brass buckles fell out of nowhere. The basement was always scaring everyone; you couldn't go down there alone without being paranoid that someone was lingering in the darkness, watching you.

I had shared a room with my sister, with her bed on one side of the room and mine on the other. I always had the radio on at night because it helped me sleep.

One night I woke up from a dream: I was lying in my bed and I suddenly awoke to turn my radio off. A woman with super sharp nails grabbed my hand and ripped it off of my arm. When I woke from that nightmare, I couldn't go back to sleep for a while, so I just lay there and put my head under the covers. Minutes went by and it grew very cold; I started hearing a slight moaning noise, like a woman’s voice whispering.

Stupidly, I thought nothing if it, believing it was my radio. I had awoken and went to turn off the radio, but I thought of my dream and stopped myself, beginning to sweat. I was paranoid. I took my head out from beneath my covers and lay there, eyes closed. After a few moments of silence, I opened my eyes and finally got up enough courage to turn off my radio.

I fell asleep for a couple if minutes and I woke ip to the moaning noises again and when I opened my eyes I saw her...

There was a young women standing over my bed. I could only see her for a moment. As she stood over the edge of my bed, she stared at me with anger, sadness, and fear in her eyes, though they were still and blank. She had her hair, which looked like it had just been dyed a blondish-orange color, pulled back in a bun. Her eyes were very dark brown, almost as if they were black, and her pupils were as big as quarters. She had a pug-like nose and her lips were cut from cheek to cheek then sloppily sewn together. I couldn't see her ears, but they looked as if they were also sewn to her head. I could only see from a little below her shoulders and up and I saw that she was naked.

I was so scared. I wanted to scream, but my fear held it in me. She slowly dissolved into the air. I couldn't scream so I shut my eyes and cried, but I didn't have any tears. Louder and louder I cried, until my mom said, in a tired voice, “Honey, what's the matter? Are you okay?”

I didn't answer, just cried until she said, “Come here.”

“I can’t,” I told her. “What if she's in the hallway?”

My mom thought I was delusional. She kept telling me to come to her room, so eventually I took my covers off, sat up, and put my feet on the ground. Still crying, I stood up and ran as fast as I could to my mother’s room and jumped up onto her bed. Shaking violently, I told her everything.

Of course, she told me it was just a dream and that I should go back to bed. At this point I managed to cry tears. I slowly walked out of my mom’s room, glancing down the hall way and into the bathroom. I was so scared, but I had to pee.

I went to the bathroom, leaving the door open behind me. I sat down and happened to glance towards the bathtub.

There she was, staring through the transparent curtain. She lifted her hand and started to move the shower curtain open; her hand looked like that of the woman from my dream. I darted out of the bathroom, back to my bedroom, and slept with my light on.

I never saw her again, but my brother Matt told me he had had a dream of a woman, and when he described her to me she matched the description of the same girl I saw. But every time I try to tell this story out loud, I always choke.

I Am Beer Bong Legend

While attending my state university in the early ‘80’s, I was rushed into a fraternity within a week of the commencement of classes. That fall, I was introduced by my new brethren to the marvel of modern technology which is the “Beer Bong”. 
However, fate intervened and this became unnecessary as I promptly vomited all over the x-ray machine.

I have since seen many of these glorious devices which have tortured untold numbers of livers and, I must say, none compare to the Ruthian conglomeration I first cut my teeth upon. The “bong” I was introduced to was a massive piece of engineering; a true man’s weapon of mass inebriation. 

If Dr. Frankenstein had ever built a creation whose sole purpose was to quickly infuse alcohol into a drunken college boy, this was it!!! 

It was at that staple of the fraternity scene in the late 70’s- early ‘80’s; the Toga Party that we got to know each other intimately. Dressed to the nines in my “happy cat” sheet-toga and Roman sandals, I had every intention of impressing my fraternity brothers with my party animal-ness. Matching them shot-for-shot, I was well on my way to acceptance. Then, emerged the beer bong. 

Someone had the idea that, for every successful turn with this device, the imbiber was to receive a hash mark upon his/her arm with a Sharpie. As the night went on, the marks on my arm grew and the number of fellow imbibers dwindled. Before I was through, I had set the official new house record at 23 beer bongs. I basked in my newfound fame and status as the local successor to Bacchus. 

Soon, I was flirting with one of my new followers pretty hot and heavy when she beckoned me “upstairs”. My God, I thought, this must be what it’s like to be a rock star! 

So I took off to follow her upstairs...and I actually fell UP THE STAIRS. The pain in my knee arced its way through the fog of alcohol. Two of my fraternity brothers thought the best thing was a trip to the ER. Possessing only a rudimentary understanding of drunken first aid, they strapped two softball bats to my leg as a splint (VERY heavy and twice as painful!), and threw me unceremoniously into the backseat of a car. 

Once at the emergency room, the helpful brothers explained what happened to the attending nurse (as I had at this point, the vocal capacity of a snail). What, the nurse asked, were the marks on my arm for? 

Upon learning how much alcohol these Ink Badges of Courage stood for, the focus of the triage changed. My leg was secondary; they now thought it best to pump my stomach. However, fate intervened and this became unnecessary as I promptly vomited all over the x-ray machine. 

Upon my return to the party, I spent the rest of the evening on a couch being fed grapes and beer nuts from lovely young ladies. This episode made a name for me at the institution and I became famous across the campus. 

However, the down side is that this marked the downslide of my college career; one that only now am I attempting to revive and obtain an actual degree. 

And, my liver appreciates the focus on class this time around.

- South Dakota State University

The cool thing about swapping was that the girls were really into it, too!

This story occurred back in my freshman year. It was early in the year when my roommate Blake, who was also a friend in high school, and I met these two girls. They were also roommates. Well, you see, the one I was trying to get with, Katie, was literally crazy, which I would later find out on a few different occasions.
The cool thing about swapping was that the girls were really into it, too!

One day Blake and I got bored and decided randomly to go to Cedar Point, so we asked the girls to come with us. We brought along a 1.75 of Blue Wave vodka, and a bottle of Bacardi. Upon arriving we decided to get a hotel for like 35 dollars for the night. It was a shitty place, but we didn’t care. Then we went to get mixers: Red Bull and Blue Hawaiian Punch.

Then we started drinking. We played a couple card games and the girls of course are already drunk. This is when it started getting crazy. Blake and I decide we need to catch up, mostly in shot form. So we do, and randomly, Tina (the other girl) and Blake decide to go for a walk. Well Katie and I decide to take advantage of this and she pretty much drags me straight into the shower, clothes and all and for the next hour we're going at it in there. While we were busy, Blake and Tina were trying to get into this "world renowned" scary house that Stephen King went to. Sounded like shit to me, but they went. After trying to sneak in the side and getting caught, they decided to try and run right in, again getting caught and this time, getting kicked out. So instead, they decided to come back to our hotel and throw lots of rocks in the hotel’s pool, which was in middle of the parking lot. This proved to be the start of the destruction.

Finally, they decide to come back to the room, but Katie an I are too busy to hear them pounding on the door, so Blake decided to kick it in. They make us get out of the shower and want to play more cards. This is when things started getting really bad. The girls have about half of the Bacardi bottle and declare that they are done for the night. Blake and I decide to finish the rest of that and our vodka. Luckily, Blake made a delicious drink: Blue Wave Vodka, Red Bull, and Hawaiian Punch. It turns a solid green, thus called “The Slimer.”

After a few Slimers, Blake goes to the bathroom to take a shower. Next thing I know, Katie goes and joins him, leaving Tina and me alone. She and I start just making out and feeling, but she says she needs to take out her contacts, so she does, but sees water coming out of the bathroom. By this point the shower had been going so long that the bathroom flooded. We decided to check it out and find Blake and Katie making out with Katie fully naked. Shortly thereafter, we somehow all end up in the shower… naked, with drinks in hand. 

Blake and I keep trading the girls off for three-way make outs, while they also played with us in the process. After about ten minutes of that, the smoke alarm started going off from the mist, and Katie without even saying anything, goes running out of the shower, jumps and punches the smoke alarm, which falls, and then proceeds to stomp on it till its done and her foot kind of bleeds.

Remember what I mentioned about her sanity…?

About thirty minutes later, we all get out naked, leaving the shower on, and proceeded to go outside. We all then decide to climb the pool fence, the one they threw lots of rocks in, and go skinny-dipping at about 2 am. We proceeded to again trade off the girls, but this time in the pool. The girls really enjoyed the sharing, too so it was really cool.

Again, I don’t really remember what happened or how, but we all made it back inside, only to find that the flood had spread from the bathroom, throughout the entire room. After that I don’t really don’t remember what happened, except that me and Katie end up sharing a bed and having sex a few more times. Although, I do have a vivid image of seeing Tina in bed and wondering where Blake was, then something starts moving around her hips, and its Blake’s head. That’s the last I remember, before I passed out.

The next day, we woke up to find our mattress off the bed, the room flooded, and lamps all over the place. We all swore to never repeat what had happened that night, and then had a great day at Cedar Point. The girls even paid for breakfast. Since we don’t talk anymore, I decided everyone should be able to hear this story.

- Gannon University

collage stories

It was the spring of 2001 in Austin, Texas. The smell of spring break was in the air, but none of my fraternity brothers had the cash or the motivation to put together a trip. So we pooled what was left of our brain cells and planned a road trip to Nuevo Laredo. 
You will not believewhat they do with donkeys in Mexico

There were 15 of us--14 guys and a girlfriend (you know the type of girl who won't let the guy go anywhere without her). We called up a Motel 6 in Laredo, about three hours south of Austin, and made reservations for a Saturday, the weekend before UT’s spring break. 

That fateful Saturday around noon we gathered in the courtyard of our house, coolers and knapsacks in hand, and headed towards the border. On our journey at first, there were mostly pastures and then came the desert. Finally, we got to Laredo and settled in before crossing the Rio Grande. 

Our first stop was the gringo-laden Senor Frogs. We had a couple of drinks there, but it was early, around 9 pm, and no one was out yet. And we needed a little more excitement than a bar all the American high-schoolers go to. 

So we made a decision that would change us all forever--we were headed to "Boystown." "Boystown," 6 or 7 miles deep into Mexico, is just a string of whorehouses and seedy bars. But we didn't care at the time, we wanted to see the mythical donkey show. My idiot friend got to talking with one of the locals outside of Senor Frogs who promised us that a ride, in three separate horse carriages, would be cheaper than a cab--just not necessarily safer. 

So we hopped into these carriages, and proceeded south. Not more than a minute into the ride, the carriages split up. When my carriage reached the slums, we were alone in the dark. The streets were dark, because they had no electricity, and we had the one female, a busty blonde, riding with us. We were scared beyond belief. I thought for sure we were goners. The girl was crying, stray dogs were chasing us and the locals (who we couldn't see due to the darkness) were yelling and whooping it up from the sidewalks. But our driver assured us we would reunite with our friends in Boystown soon. 

After what seemed like an eternity, but was probably only like 20 minutes, we turned down a narrow street, lit on both sides, that was unmistakably our destination. We paid our driver, and marched into the first doorway to find our missing compadres. We found 1/3 of our group sitting around a table; the other group hadn't arrived yet. Let me tell you, that I was never happier in my life to see my dumb ass friends. We all hugged in celebration of our survival when the rest of our group arrived intact. 

Now we were ready to start partying. We had been so happy to see each other that we didn't even realize we were drinking beer in a whorehouse. Mexican ladies, ranging from somewhat cute to old and fat, were walking around struttin' their stuff. We drank beer there for a while, and I'm glad to say none of my friends accepted the offers to "fucky." 

After a few more drinks, we ventured out in search of the donkey show. Outside of the whorehouse, to our left, was a donkey, next to a large yellow wall that read "Donkey Show" with an arrow pointing to the door of the bar next door. 

I shit you not. 

So we went inside. It was basically the same as the first place, but it was more of a strip club than a whorehouse. We were all sitting around drinking beer, trading horse carriage stories, and getting restless for entertainment. Soon, a stripper got up on stage (which was about a foot off the floor in the middle of the room) and started doing her thing. Then a second stripper, then a third… 

I kinda felt sorry for the third stripper, because none of my friends were throwing any bills down, and there weren't very many other people there. So I whipped out a dollar and waved it in the air. She saw it and sauntered over to me, buck naked, and turned around. I didn't know what to do, so I put it in the only place that was presented to me--her butt crack. Now my friends will tell you I wrapped the bill around my finger and crammed it up her poop shoot. But no, I'm not a totally sick bastard, I honestly just placed it in her (overly) generous fold. 

So we got a good laugh at that, then started chanting "burro, burro" Spanish fordonkey. Two men working at the joint went outside, brought the donkey in through the door and up to the stage. Then they pushed it to its side. They lashed its legs together, and held them so they were straight up in the air, and then the same woman that so gracefully took my dollar, got down on her knees and started blowing the donkey. After the donkey was "ready" she straddled him and rode him. 

No shit. 

That's not even the sickest part. This one gringo, who was not with us, got up from his seat, walked over to the donkey-whore, whipped out his dick, and the chick started blowing him while she was riding the donkey. 

Once again, I shit you not. 

Once we were all thoroughly disgusted (yet enthralled), we treaded back to the border, in cabs this time, and back to our Motel 6. It was 4 am, we were tired, drunk, and dirty. We had survived near death in the slums of Mexico, and witnessed one of the most depraving acts of humankind. 

In other words: we had accomplished our goals.

Thursday 8 September 2011

horror friend storie

is incident happened when I was 13 years old. My best friend, John, was living next to me. We did homework together and helped each other. We were famous in school, lots of people knew us. Since he lived right next to me, he came to my house, played computer games and slept over as often as he could.
One day John came over to my house and asked if I wanted to watch a movie with him. I said yes. When we were on the way to the cinema, I fell asleep in the bus. I dreamt a weird dream. In it was my grandfather who died about 5 years ago. He told me the bus would crash with a car. Immediately I woke up. I told John not to watch the movie. He asked me why and I told him about my dream. But he did not believe it and said that if I did not want to watch, then I could just drop off there and then. So I get off the bus and went home.
When I arrived home, I was just in time to watch the evening news. I was so surprised. The news reported the bus John and I were in, had crashed with a car. Everyone died in the crash. I felt so sad.
When I was asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night to pee. As I was washing my hands on the sink, I realised there was blood on the mirror. It said, “YOU SHOULD JUST TELL MY MOM NOT TO GO TO THE MOVIE!!!” I freaked out. When I turned around, there was my friend John, and there was blood all over his face. I screamed and fainted.

When I woke up I was in hospital. My mom asked me what happened so I told her everything that I could remember. She touched my head and asked, “Are you feeling alright?” It was apparent that my mum did not believe me. I was afraid to go home but I had no choice.
It was night again. I was really scared so I closed my door and slept. I woke up in the middle of the night, when I heard music from outside my door. It was “Fat Lip”, John’s favourite song. I mustered enough courage and went outside to check. There was a figure standing in front of my radio. When I got close to him, he turned around and it was John. He turned menacing all of a sudden and tried to kill me. He choked my neck and I said, “I’m really sorry, I should have told your mum about my dream.” I was crying and repeating, “I’m so sorry…” When John heard that he just let go of my neck and he put his arm around my neck and said, “It’s alright, it was my fault that I did not listen to you.” Before he left, he said, “Goodbye my friend…” and disappeared into thin air.
My parents came out to the living room and asked what had happened. I did not tell them anything, because my parents were not going to believe my story. Till today, I did not tell anybody except to you.